Graston Therapy: A Non-Invasive Approach to Your Plantar Fasciitis Pain

At any given time, nearly 2 million Americans suffer from chronic heel and foot pain in a condition known as Plantar Fasciitis. It is the most common cause of heel pain, and nearly 83 percent of adults between the ages of 25-65 will experience Plantar Fasciitis at some point in their lives. Because the severity of plantar fasciitis varies from patient to patient, you may have actually dealt with this before without even knowing it! Stay tuned to learn exactly what happens with plantar fasciitis, and how Graston Technique can help get rid of your pain.


We’re all familiar with the name, but what exactly is Plantar Fasciitis? The name itself directly breaks down into, “inflammation of the plantar fascia.” Plantar refers to the bottom surface of your foot, fascia refers to the thick band of tissue that crosses this surface, and the suffix “-itis” indications inflammation. This fascia works to support the bones and muscles of your feet, and also acts as a shock absorber during physical activity. When the fascia becomes tight and over-stressed, small tears can occur throughout the band. The tears lead to inflammation, and the inflammation leads to scar tissue and adhesion formation, which in turn leads to more tightness. This is most definitely a cycle you don’t want to get stuck in! The direct cause for plantar fasciitis is still up for debate, but there are certainly things what will predispose you to the condition such as obesity, overly arched or flat feet, age, and sports or activities that require you to spend long hours on your feet.

There are many different treatments for Plantar Fasciitis, such as injections, medications, orthotics, slings, or even surgical procedures. In mild cases, the pain can be managed with at home massage, stretching, and ice therapy. However, for those of you that are not able to manage your pain at home but are not wanting to take the leap into more invasive treatment, Graston therapy is a GREAT option for you. Graston Technique uses specially designed instruments to break up scar tissue and issues in muscle and fascia, and the process actually stimulates your body’s innate immune response to help “clean up” the tissue as well!

During a typical Graston session for plantar fasciitis, both the calf and the plantar fascia are treated (it’s all connected!). A topical ointment is placed on the skin of the calf and bottom of the foot, and light to moderate pressure is applied to these areas with the Graston Instruments. It is very common to experience slight muscle soreness and tenderness in the treatment area for the 24-48 hours following the treatment, but this totally normal and can be managed at home with ice! Many patients feel relief with just one treatment, and have experienced complete resolution with a regular treatment plan!

If you’d like to learn more about Graston technique, schedule an appointment, and read up on it here.

Helping you feel best with health + humor,

Dr. Jess

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