“Let Me Re-Introduce Myself”


So as many of you may know, I have been up to some things over the last few months...

On August 13, 2018, I took a major step forward in achieving my career goals and opened up my own practice in Atlanta, Georgia by the Name of Well Adjusted Buckhead! It has always been a dream of mine to own and operate my own practice, and I am beyond excited to start this new journey with all of you as both a healthcare provider, and health mentor.

Many things have changed since I first went into practice (new practice, new location, new treatments, etc!), but one major thing has stayed the same, and that is my passion for helping individuals become the best version of themselves through health and wellness. Whether you are rehabbing an injury, looking to up your recovery game and athletic performance, or simply want to invest in your body, I am here to help you express your highest potential of health! I am here to help you heal and grow without being a slave to medications, I am here to get your body functioning optimally by removing nervous system interference with chiropractic adjustments, and I am here to keep your musculoskeletal system strong and vibrant through a variety of soft tissue therapies.

Whether you have been under chiropractic care you whole life, or are curious about receiving your first adjustment, I would love to welcome you into my office and assist you on your health and wellness journey!


Helping you feel your best with health + humor,

 Dr. Jess

Click the link below to schedule your appointment!